October 27 & 28, 2018 in Seattle, WA
Myst artifacts exhibit
25 Years of Myst panel with Rand Miller
Myst merchandise from Fangamer
Costume display & awards for attending D'ni cosplayers
Con-wide team puzzle solving adventure
D'ni games, including Ayoheek, Gemedet & trivia
Unwritten: Adventures in the Ages of Myst & Beyond RPG demos, including a game with Rand!
Join us for a weekend of celebrating all things Myst, D'ni and Cyan at the fabulous GeekGirlCon; an inclusive, family-friendly event that "Promotes a culture that brings EVERYONE together to share their geeky quirks...and builds the next generation of strong, powerful geeks."
Buy your
passes HERE!
Hosting an exhibit like this involves expenses; things like display & activity materials, safely shipping artifacts to and from their owners, providing prizes & volunteer passes. To offset the costs, we are asking the community to help make this happen through direct sponsorship. Going this route avoids crowdfunding fees, eliminates the expectation of "rewards" or "pre-orders" (although we are sending small thank you gifts to sponsors), and keeps us focused on building the exhibit, not on fulfillment or campaign management. We hope you will consider contributing. Your name will be displayed at the exhibit as a sponsor. If you are interested in a greater sponsership role than is offered here, please contact us to discuss details.
All amounts in US dollars |
Does hanging out for a few hours talking about Myst sound like your idea of a good time?
Are you planning on (or would love to be)attending Geek Girl Con?
The exhibit needs your help!
Volunteers will be given shifts to work at the exhibit or the games table, and then let loose to enjoy the con the rest of the weekend. Let us know if you want in on the fun!
Artifact Donation
We know that the best source of unique, hard-to-find Myst & Cyan artifacts are often the fans! We're looking for people who are willing to loan items to the exhibit- be it a rare piece of Myst merchandise, lovingly constructed costplay or hand-crafted art, jewelry and replicas. If this sounds like somethign you are interested in, please give us a holler!